Saved by Mom’s Pearls

1 min readJun 30, 2020

Twelve-panel children’s book / comic sketch

Second assignment from my Children’s Book Illustration class at RISD.

Sketch in twelve panels, the following short story: A child is taking a shortcut home when he finds and opens a giant treasure box, then falls inside and investigates the treasure. He then uses what’s inside to get out of the box and get home.

I made the treasure inside giant as well and had him use the giant string of pearls to climb out of the box. Instead of showing a house for “home,” I made his Mom represent home. I also thought it would be fun to have his Mom wear the same jewelry that he had found in the box.




I tell stories with words & images; sometimes alone, sometimes together. SCBWI member. NaNoWriMo Writer. UX Design + VTS: